Technical soccer drills and exercises are designed to promote a players technique and skills. Players will gradually learn over a period of time the co-ordination and basic motor patterns they need to solve specific soccer game related problems. The decision making process is very complex and players are reactling not only to the other teams movements, but also to their own teammates. Choosing the most effective solutions to these problems require a high degree of ball mastery and wide range of motor skills in higher level soccer. These technical soccer skills are learned through a variety of progressive technical soccer drills. Technical drills should be first performed unopposed to allow the players comfort in making errors and learning. The goal is that these technical skills will eventually be able to be performed in an adaptive and flexible manner on the field in combination with all the decision making a player needs to make.
Technique Types:
Exclusively for Arsenal FC players!!!
Dates: (TBD)Times: (TBD)
75 Maske Rd Schertz, Texas 78154
Phone: 210-497-1100 Email: [email protected]